CALIFORNIA FORGERY LAWS – California Penal Code 470

The California crime of forgery takes place when you knowingly do any of the following, intending to commit a fraud:

  • Sign someone else’s name,
  • Fake a seal or someone else’s handwriting,
  • Change or falsify any legal document (like a will or a deed), or
  • Fake, alter, or present as genuine a false document pertaining to money, finances, or property (like a check or a promissory note).

California Penal Code 470 may be charged as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the circumstances of the crime and your criminal history.

Potential penalties for a misdemeanor California forgery conviction include:

  1. Up to 1 year in county jail,
  2. A fine of up to one thousand dollars,
  3. Informal (also known as summary) probation, and/or
  4. Payment of restitution to any victims.

If you are charged with felony forgery, the penalties may include:

  1. 16 months, 2 years or 3 years in prison,
  2. A fine of up to ten thousand dollars,
  3. Informal or formal probation, and/or
  4. Payment of restitution to any victims.

If you or someone you know has been charged with forgery, call the Law Office of William Daley at (619) 238-1905 for a free consultation. William Daley is an experienced criminal defense and San Diego DUI lawyer with over thirty years of experience defending his clients and getting their charges reduced or dismissed. Call THE LAW OFFICE OF WILLIAM DALEY at (619) 238-1905 to set up a free 30 minute consultation today!

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